Python - spyder versions

Developes and tests Python-based software
Mar 25, 2022
Nov 28, 2011
Sep 21, 2011
Dec 2, 2010
May 12, 2010
Aug 13, 2009

What's new

v2.1 [Sep 21, 2011]
Spyder v2.1 is now compatible with:
- !PyQt's API v1 (i.e. compatible with !PyQt 4.4 and 4.5), the default Python 2 API
- -and- !PyQt's API #2 (this is the future: default Python 3 API and !PySide-compatible API)
- -and- with !PySide (!PySide support is still experimental as this library is still young but its stability is evolving rapidly)
New major features:
- New -Profiler- plugin
- New experimental -IPython- plugin embedding IPython's Qt console: see [ here]
- General:
- Main window:
- added "Custom window layouts" management (see menu "View")/handling 3 custom layouts: default shortcuts Shift Alt FX to switch to/from layout #X and Ctrl Shift Alt FX to set layout #X
- "General" preferences page: added option to set the Qt windows style, depending on platform (Plastique, Cleanlooks, CDE, Windows...)
- Command line options: added option "--defaults" to reset settings (stored in .spyder.ini) to defaults (a lot of settings are preserved: shortcuts, window layouts, ...) -- this is less brutal than "--reset" which reset all settings by removing all configuration files related to Spyder
- -Outline- (function/class browser) is now a plugin in itself, embedded in its own dockwidget: Spyder's window layout is even more customizable than before
- -Code completion- (Editor/Console): entries starting with '_' are now placed to the end of the suggested list
- -Console-:
- Major code cleaning: running Python applications in Spyder has never been cleaner and is very close to a simple Python interpreter
- Standard Python interpreter:
- now refresh the variable explorer at each new prompt (even if auto-refresh is disabled -- actually, this is the typical use case)
- added support for basic special commands (%pwd, %ls, %clear) and system commands (starting with '!', e.g. !dir or !ls)
- Preferences (External modules tab):
- added an option to set PyQt API to v1 or v2 -- this avoids issues with Enthought Tool Suite or any other library/program using PyQt API v2 which is -not- the default API for Python 2
- changed matplotlib patch to fix compatiblity issue with PyQt API v2
- Preferences (Advanced Settings tab): added option "Python executable" to customize path to Python interpreter executable binary
- -Variable explorer-:
- New HDF5 plugin ([ DavidAnthonyPowell]): import/export HDF5 files to/from the variable explorer
- -Editor-:
- find/replace:
- added support for -multiline- regular expression search pattern
- added support for -multiline- regular expression text replacement
- added button "Highlight matches" to highlight all found results
- syntax highlighting: added support for OpenCL, gettext files, patch/diff files, CSS and HTML files
- support for "2 spaces" and "tabs" indentation characters
- new code analysis feature: added support for the [ pep8] style guide checker
- "Comment" and "Uncomment" actions were replaced by a single "Comment/Uncommment" toggle action
- -File explorer- and -Project explorer-: great performance improvement (using a multithreaded file system model)
- -File explorer-: added an option to "Show current directory only"
- -Project explorer-: this plugin was entirely rewritten to improve performances and usability
Windows platforms specific changes:
- (requires pywin32) Hiding the attached console window:
- allow running Spyder with 'python.exe' without visible console (this avoid using 'pythonw.exe' which does not attach a console to the process, hence preventing standard I/O to be redirected in a subprocess executed within Spyder, e.g. in your own program)
- the attached console may be shown/hidden from menu entry "View > Attached console window (debugging)"
- Major change for Windows/PyQt users: standard Python interpreter now supports interactive GUI manipulations thanks to a new Spyder-specific input hook (replacing PyQt's input hook which is not working within Spyder on Windows platforms) -- the input hook works even better than PyQt's builtin input hook (with a Python interpreter opened outside Spyder)!

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